quarta-feira, 14 de dezembro de 2011

The top 4 things you've taught me about dating

Esta é uma postagem original de um blog de uma americana, que pedia conselhos sobre como arrumar um namorado, agora que ela conseguiu, ela decide escrever este post abaixo, agradecendo a todos que a ajudaram e a ensinaram coisas.

I’m awful at goodbyes (as you can probably tell from all of my posts about ex-boyfriends!), but alas, the time has come for me to leave Single-ish and move on! Oh now don’t cry, you’ll ruin your smoky eye. But before I go, I would like to thank you ALL for your comments and advice. So, without further ado, here are the top four things you, my lovely, loyal readers, have taught ME about love and dating.

I don’t need to change for a guy

It sounds sooooo obvious, but when your relationships keep falling apart, it can be easy to think that you are the common denominator in dysfunction. A little self-examination has led me to wonder if I need a major personality overhaul. No, says LoveIsMerelyAMadness:
“Don't change your sense of humor to make guys like you."
Simple and true. Plus, it’s exhausting to try and be someone you aren’t. I’d rather be exhausted from laughing with a guy who truly gets me! This is who I am, love it or leave it:

I need to let go of my exes already!
I should remember these sage words: “It's called a breakup because why? It's broken,” pointed out reader Spazzette. “Unless the reason you broke up has changed, you've already decided he didn't work for you once. Why not save your time and energy for a potentially way more awesome new guy?”
Yes! Thank you for helping me take off the rose-colored glasses when looking at my past relationships.

Don’t expect the total package right up front.

Am I perfect? Um, no, I think we’ve made that clear over the last couple years. So, maybe I should be cutting boys the same slack I hope to receive from them, per the advice of Sciencegirl474:
“Don't change who you are and don't ditch this guy because he went a little too far in a text,” she says. “Just make it clear what it is you actually like and want from a relationship and find a guy who cares about you enough to make an effort to make it all happen. You won't find someone who gets everything 100% right from the beginning.”

Listen to your intuition
No, I’m not talking about the voice that’s telling you to send 20 drunken texts to your ex-boyfriend. That voice is not a friend. The one you should be listening to is your kind, healthy self that guides you to the life you really want. User LoLove helped me realize this:
“Do what FEELS right. Take risks, even if they turn out awkward or wasted...in the big picture hardly anything is ever wasted if we learn from it or get at least some knowledge or experience from it, right?”

Smoky-eyes – specially in blue and green, olhos esfumaçados com sombras principalmente verde e azul.
Overhaul – inspeção
Major – principal maior
Sage – sábias
Way more – muito mais
To cut somebody some slack = to give someone additional freedom

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