sexta-feira, 7 de outubro de 2011

Ladrão pego pelo IPHONE

iPhone Thieves' Nabbed by iGotYa! App That Snaps Their Photos

iPhone thieves better watch out. iGotYa app is on the market, and it's helping theft victims catch those who dare to leave their hands empty.

A 31-year-old Queens woman is the latest to benefit from iGotYa technology. After a man swiped her iPhone Monday evening, she received an email from the app's servers. It contained a photo of the suspect and his exact coordinates.

His face is now plastered all over the Internet.

Available only from Cyndia, the iGotYa app utilizes the iPhone's front-facing camera.
It takes a picture of whoever inputs the wrong password when unlocking the phone. The app then emails the picture and GPS coordinates to the phone's owner.

Evidence can then be turned over to police.


to Nab – apanhar prender

to Swipe – roubar furtar

those who dare - aqueles que ousam

to leave their hands empty - sair de mãos vazias, livres, ilesos

plaster – gesso, engessar, 'estampada'

turn over – entregue (à autoridades)

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